Tuesday 16 January 2024

Saturday 16 December 2023

Blender add/remove blank frame

The following is roughly what I obtained after communicating back and forth with ChatGPT for about an hour. It's a new animation functionality plugin that allows for convenient addition or removal of "blank frames" between keyframes. Let's take a look at the effect.


Actually, I searched online several times. Either someone asked the same question without an answer, or it was an explanation of inserting keyframes. Today, after checking again, I found that Blender Grease Pencil seems to have a similar function (https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/grease_pencil/animation/tools.html). However, after testing, it still adds a keyframe. The difference is that when used on a frame with an existing keyframe, it moves the subsequent keyframes back by one frame. Sometimes it doesn't work, but that's not important.

What's important is why the animation in pose mode doesn't have this keyframe editing function!!!?? It's so useful (tilts head).







一樣是有人問,但沒有答案,不然就是insert keyframe的說明

今天又查了一次,發現Blender Grease Pencil似乎有類似的功能


但是測試了之後,是也是新增key frame, 

差異是在已有keyframe的畫格上使用,會把後的keyframe 往後移一格。




為什麼pose mode的 animation 沒有這種關鍵格編輯功能!!!???


Tuesday 21 November 2023

Using Namespace in Blender

Blender is indeed very clever! 
For users familiar with Maya and MotionBuilder(MoBu), namespaces are an essential tool for naming conventions.
 In my recent search for information on namespaces, I discovered that others have encountered similar issues. 
However, the answers provided did not quite address what I was looking for.
For example:

After conducting two consecutive tests, I stumbled upon the solution. 
First, let's understand the purpose of namespaces. In my understanding and experience of using them, they allow for the reuse of the same naming and hierarchical structure in a scene without modifying the original names.

1. Blender allows direct naming using prefixes sperate by colons. However, Blender doesn't explicitly present this concept and usage. Its habitual approach to handling duplicate names is to use a "dot" followed by a "three-digit serial number." 

2. As long as the group name of the skin model matches the namespace, when exporting the skin mesh using FBX, Blender automatically removes the name before the colon. Isn't that clever! 

3. However, if you export only the animations in FBX, it will still include the namespace. Nevertheless, this doesn't affect importing the animations into Unreal Engine, so it's perfectly fine! Note: When importing into MoBu, the namespace will still be present, possibly due to version differences in reading exported FBX files. 

I'm new to Blender, so feel free to leave comments if I make any mistakes.

Blend真的是很聰明! 對於maya跟motion builder的使用者來說 namesapce是個很重要用來規範命名的工具 這幾天在查找namesapce的相關資訊 發現有人有跟我一樣的問題 但是回答的都不算是我想找的解答 

連續兩測試後,誤打誤撞的發現解答 先理解一下ns的用途,在我的理解及使用的經驗中,它是為了能使用同樣的命名及層級結構,能在同一場景中重覆使用,但又不需改動原始名稱。 

1. blender是可以直接用前綴名加上冒號命名,只是在blender裡,並沒有特別提出這樣的概念與用法。它對於重覆名稱的慣性處理方式是用"點"再加"三位數序號"。 
2. 只要skin的模型群組名稱與,ns一樣,在用FBX輸出Skin Mesh時,它會自動的把冒號前的名稱自動刪除,是不是很聰明!!! 
3. 然而若FBX只輸出動作,它還是會帶冒號前的ns,不過這不影響動作滙入到UE裡,所以是很OK的! 註: 但若滙到mobu裡,ns還是會在喲,可能是mobu在讀取輸出FBX的版本差異。


Tuesday 24 May 2022

Animation Exercise 02





This is a great movement too! Since this movement is more complicate. I am going to separate it into two parts.

Working progress:
    Key pose collecting: 30 mins
    Idle pose: 15 mins
    key pose block: 90mins hours

    timing adjust: 20 mins

    spine: about 60 mins

    Total working time : 3.6 hours


Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGh4AAz32vw

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Animation Exercise 01

It is time back to key-frame animation!

This animation took me 3 hours to finish it. If it was mocap data, I can probably clean it up within a half hour.

Rig: Mannequin + HIK

working time:

idle pose: 20 mins
key pose: 50 minis
spine: 50 mins
polish: 60 mins

total: 3 hours

Check out their awesome motion!

Reference: https://twitter.com/i/status/1523636617872764928

Thursday 21 April 2022

Python 命名規則

 Python 在工作上幫了我很多,不斷的累積後,也進入了思考怎麼樣才是好的命名的階段





Krita python export png per layer


因為Krita 免費,又可以用Python撰寫

執行位置: 工具>指令稿>指令稿工具


Python code: 下載位置

 @Jiapei Lu 2022  
 This tool is to export png per layer with baselayer, and make a folder for store all those exported pics.  
 It applys the name of the layer as a filename automatically.  
 Exported folder will be created under where the opened file is.  
 from krita import *  
 import os  
 export_png_folder_name = 'export_png' # you can change the folder name here.  
 doc = Krita.instance().activeDocument()#access to current file  
 doc_dir = os.path.dirname( doc.fileName( ))#get the file path  
 exportDir = os.path.join( doc_dir, export_png_folder_name)# building the path for exporting  
 #If folder doesn't exist then create the folder for export pics  
 if not os.path.isdir( exportDir):  
   os.makedirs( exportDir)  
 batchNodes = []#this for containing all the layer nodes  
 #First: Go over all layer turn off it's visible except basic layer.  
 for node in doc.topLevelNodes()[ 1:] :  
     node.setVisible( 0)   
     batchNodes.append( node )  
 #Second: Trun on the visible of the layers one by one then exporting it.  
 for node in batchNodes:  
   node.setVisible( 1)  
   doc.refreshProjection() #This is supper imported to refresh view. Otherwise the exported pic could be wrong.  
   info = InfoObject()# InfoObject is a dictionary with specific export options  
   info.setProperty( "alpha", True)  
   info.setProperty( "compression", 9)  
   info.setProperty( "forceSRGB", False)  
   info.setProperty( "indexed", False)  
   info.setProperty( "interlaced", False)  
   info.setProperty( "saveSRGBProfile", False)  
   info.setProperty( "transparencyFillcolor", [0,0,0])     
   path = os.path.join(exportDir, node.name() + ".png")  
   #node.save(path, doc.resolution(), doc.resolution(), info)  
   doc.setActiveNode( node)  
   doc.exportImage( path, info)    
   node.setVisible( 0)  
   doc.refreshProjection( )   
 Application.setBatchmode( False)  
 QMessageBox.information( Application.activeWindow().qwindow(), "Done and Done", "All done!")